Flexibility and balance

The Wash U PMBA program offers a massive advantage over traditional programs in that it provides the individual student a work/life balance.

I can partake in a top tier program, with top notch individuals, while maintaining a salary and the ability to live the life I desire.

Traditional full time MBA programs require sacrificing a salary for an average of two years. Here at Olin students get to enjoy the best of both worlds.

BlogworkWork is work, and the job needs to get done. Sometimes you are required to go on a business trip. Sometimes you have to burn the midnight oil to complete a proposal or presentation. Any way you slice it, the Olin PMBA program is here to work with you.

 Even taking a vacation, which can be necessary while attending school and working full time, there is a great support system to allow students to continue to receive the education they want. blog3Lectures are recorded and can be requested whenever a class is missed.

The cohort system allows teams to pick up the slack in the meantime. Upon return, the student can easily catch up on the material.

One thing is for sure: this program has exceeded my expectations when it comes to providing a world class education with the flexibility to maintain the life style I have grown accustomed to.

In Student Life
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One Response to "Flexibility and balance"

  1. avatar Adam

    I totally agree with you, but I will say that finding the balance in those first couple of weeks was a little rough … #somuchreading