Rear Admiral Tomney
Fixing Achilles’ heel of organizations

“Why did I start ChangeCasting? Communications, to me, is really the Achilles’ heel of any organization. You look at whatever problem any organization has, it always somehow relates to effective communication  So I am looking at all ways to improve communications in my organization.”

-Rear Admiral Christopher J. Tomney, Assistant Commandant for Intelligence & Criminal Investigations, U.S. Coast GuardAdmiral Tomney, United State Coast Guard

ChangeCasting is a new approach for leaders to manage change within their organization whether private, public, or a nonprofit.  Web 2.0 technology provides the opportunity to not only lead change but accelerate it. This web-based video communications process can be a key way for building trust and creating understanding in your organization.  It is this trust and understanding that can help facilitate successful organizational change.

Rear Admiral Tomney recently addressed an audience of federal agencies employees attending Brookings Executive Education’s course Vision and Leading Change. He spoke of the achievements and challenges in using ChangeCasting as a Rear Admiral in the U.S. Coast Guard.

“If you don’t get your message out there, you are seceding ground.” Each week Rear Admiral Tomney sends a three minute video to the organization, approximately 1,600 people.  “Here’s a quick update of what is going on, what’s crossing my desk, what’s on my mind, who am I engaging with as the head of the enterprise?” He considers ChangeCasting to be a perpetual, ongoing, all hands on deck meeting between himself and his workforce.

Rear Admiral Tomney closes out each video with a question and an opportunity for anonymous feedback and response. The goal is to establish a virtual network and a two-way dialogue. He is always looking for ways to get new ideas and he wants to hear from the boots on the ground.

The responses to Rear Admiral Tomney’s use of ChangeCasting have been positive with staff stating they enjoy the weekly videos. Most of the comments come from the junior staff as this is a unique opportunity to connect with Rear Admiral Tomney. Everyone’s viewpoint is gathered and valued. ChangeCasting has proven to be an effective method of communication with all levels of Intelligence & Criminal Investigations, U.S. Coast Guard for Rear Admiral Tomney.


Rear Admiral Tomney completed a federal executive fellowship at the Brookings Institution and earned the Brookings Executive Education Certificate in Public Leadership

Learn more about ChangeCasting from Jackson Nickerson, Associate Dean and Director of the Brookings Executive Education.

Image: video screens by Steve Woolf, Flickr, Creative Commons


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