CEL Summer Projects: Lawrence Watson, Hunter Engineering

When the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic downturn caused internship cancellations, WashU Olin and the Center for Experiential Learning stepped up to provide summer learning opportunities for students while supporting St. Louis-based businesses. We’ll be sharing their stories on the Olin Blog. Today, we’ll hear from Lawrence Watson, vice president of sales at Hunter Engineering.

Given the pandemic, what compelled your company to get involved with this program?

Hunter Engineering has had a long term relationship with WashU Olin, and we’ve always had positive experiences with the students we have worked with over the years. When the pandemic changed our plans for more conventional summer internships, we jumped at the chance to apply for the CEL project. This format allowed us to continue moving forward some important initiatives while at the same time offering some compelling subject matter that the students can really dive into.

What was your project about?

Our project was focused on how changing consumer habits and expectations impact our specific industry. We are always looking for ways to improve our customer’s experience with Hunter and wanted to ensure we are able to apply lessons from other industries that might be best-in-class.

What was it like working with Olin students?

Working with the Olin students has been a very positive experience for our entire team. It is nice to hear new perspectives and share ideas with such an eager group.

What advice would you give students on the cusp of graduating at this time in history?

Be bold and go after what you desire. There are always companies out there looking for great people.  

In Business & Research, Teaching & Learning
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